Come and be Bowled Over at Pippbrook Bowling Club, Dorking
Come and see why Sir Francis Drake enjoyed bowls so much that he insisted on finishing his game before setting off to defeat the Armada!

2025 Open Days
Are you interested in giving bowls a try, but worried about the commitment?
Don't worry - we intend to offer three open days early in the 2025 season, for you to try our sport with no obligation. These are usually held in April and May. Get in touch today if you'd like us to let you know when the dates are announced.​
No equipment is needed, but please wear flat-soled shoes or trainers. We will provide the bowls and individual help as required.
Bowling is an enjoyable, sociable game, suitable for all ages
Low cost
It is not costly and can be enjoyed from the outset with the minimum of expense
Ask us about our special half-price membership offer for new members in 2025 - just £65.00, including all match fees, for the first year.
Spring - Summer - Autumn
The season runs from April to September and you can play throughout the day, seven days a week!
Easy to learn
Instruction can be provided to help you learn or improve